Friday, February 9, 2007


Researchers at Manchester University have derived a formula that explains the phenomenon behind "beer goggles", known in Filipino as "lasing-genic". Read about it here:

Therefore, if you want to get stoned but don't want to have beer goggles, you should only drink in a well-lit, smoking-free bar with your glasses on, and only give your number to people within whispering range (0.5m). Under these conditions, you can have up to 34.0 alcohol units (i.e., 340mL of pure ethanol) and still not find lasing-genic people as "attractive" (i.e., B < 50). That's 850mL of 80-proof spirits (e.g., gin, rhum, whiskey, etc.) that you can "safely" consume under these optimal conditions.

Oh, the wonders of science.

1 comment:

dementedchris said...

Thankfully, beer goggles don't work when I'm drinking with you. Hahaha!