Monday, January 29, 2007

My First Post

This is my first post in my brand new blog. This is my first time in the blogosphere, so please bear with the lack of graphics and unsophisticated design.

As the long blurb below the blog title suggests, this blog is about discussing everything from economics and politics to philosophy and pop culture. It is about ruminations regarding the human experience, a free expression of ideas and opinions.

Why choose the name Nontrivial Pursuit? Obviously, this is a play on the board game Trivial Pursuit where bits of information about everything under (and beyond) the sun is the main currency. Like the game, this blog purports that "no part of man's nature or his institutions must lie outside this blog's regard".

But more than a mere play of words, this blog is really about the pursuit of nontrivial ideas; i.e., ideas and solutions that are not obvious or plain to see. It is about adding to the stock of ideas or seeing old ideas in a new light, not simply repeating those that have been said.

Lofty ideas said, this blog is, bottomline, my blog. It will be my ideas and opinions prominently posted. Well-digested comments are more than welcome; garden-variety polemics and sloganeering will be ignored. I will try to post frequently and regularly, but this is a function of work load (yes, I have a day job).

That is all for now. Goodbye.

1 comment:

incarnadine29 said...

Not bad for a first post ;)

Welcome to the "blogosphere!"